Computer Science

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Computer science is the study of computers and computing. Computer scientists may study software, algorithms, data structures, and more. Coding, studying artificial intelligence, and studying human computer interactions are also important areas in computer science. Computer science can also be very theoretical (discovering the types of problems computers can solve) or very practical and tangible (designing intuitive website layouts). Examples of careers related to computer science are:

  • Computer programmer
  • Computer scientist
  • Software developer
  • Data scientist
  • Web developer
  • Network architect
  • IT specialist

Meet Cecilia Aragon – a computer scientist and professor at University of Washington

Picture from Cecilia Aragon

Cecilia Aragon is a computer scientist and professor at the University of Washington. She earned her Bachelor of Science in Mathematics at the California Institute of Technology in 1982. She earned a Masters in 1987 and a PhD in 2004 at the University of California Berkeley.  In 1991, Aragon earned a spot on the US Aerobatic Team, doing so in a record six years after her first solo flight and becoming the first Latina on the Team.

In 2008, she was awarded the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers for her work. At the University of Washington, Aragon is the director of the Human-Centered Data Science Lab where she conducts research focusing on how humans interact with very large data sets. She created Sunfall, a visual analytics system for supernova astrophysics, and she created an augmented-reality visualization system to help helicopter pilots land safely in dangerous weather conditions. In 2020, she published her autobiography, Flying Free. 

Learn the basics of coding with this Scratch activity

Picture from Scratch

Coding is used to tell computers how and when to perform a certain task, whether that task is a video game character moving or a new tab opening when you click on a link. It is very easy to learn the basics of coding. Often, coders use a programming language such as Python or Java. Programming languages simply create a system of communication between humans and computers. Scratch is one of many programming languages and can be used to create games, animations, and interactive stories. This activity will teach you how to make a simple animation in Scratch. 

Video Tutorial Link:

Interested in a career in computer science? Here are some high school classes and extracurriculars you can become involved in:

High School Classes:

Try to take Honors, AP, IB, or other accelerated courses if they are offered at your high school!

  • Algebra
  • Pre-Calculus
  • Calculus
  • Statistics
  • Computer Science
  • Chemistry
  • Physics
  • Foreign Language


  • Hackathons
  • Girls Who Code
  • Build a website
  • Create an App
  • Join or start a computer science club

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Here are some more resources to help you continue exploring Computer Science:

Additional Activities:

Check out these YouTube Channels:

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